Through Our Hands - Issue 6 - Out Now!

The latest issue of Through Our Hands is out now! It's completely free to read so do please share the news with your friends, students, colleagues and fellow artists. It's packed out with loads of articles featuring artists such as Marie Bergstedt, Agnes Herczeg, Pauline Burbidge and Genevieve Attinger. Our roving reporters have been out exploring exhibitions such as Love is Enough (Warhol and Morris) and Agnes Martin at the Tate. I think it might be our best issue yet and I hope you enjoy it!
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If you want to, you can purchase a copy to download and keep which is great if you want to read offline on your computer, iPad or Kindle. Here's the link to buy your copy:


  1. I wanted to thank you, Linda and Annabel for yet another wonderful issue of TOH. I have again purchased a copy so I can access it at any time. I just finished reading the latest issue and I so enjoyed in in depth profiles. These magazines are wonderful resources. Thanks again.

  2. Dear Laura. I have just purchased an e copy of the TOH magazine which I am looking forward to reading. However I was surprised to see that your advertised price of £3 does not included VAT which I was charged on top of the £3. I am happy to pay £3.60 but would have preferred to see that as the advertised price or £3 plus VAT.

    1. Hi Lin, Because the magazine is sold worldwide, the price + tax varies considerably depending on the tax rate set in different countries. We decided that it was best to list the base price rather than with a list of local tax options. Instead, the local tax is added during the checkout process. I'll investigate and see if it's possible to list it as £3 plus local tax.

  3. What a delightful magazine! The articles, the artists and their works are all glorious eye candy and food for the soul. How inspiring to see so many different techniques. Your wonderful magazine definitely kindles the creative juices and makes one think of what we can create next. Thank's for the inspiration.


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